• Video Filter

    You may insert videos from popular video sites by using a simple tag [video:URL].


    • Single video:
    • Random video out of multiple:
    • Override default autoplay setting: [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1qUeId autoplay:1]
    • Override default width and height:
      [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1qUeId width:X height:Y]
    • Override default aspect ratio:
      [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1qUeId ratio:4/3]
    • Align the video:
      [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1qUeId align:right]

    Supported sites: Archive.org, Blip.tv, Candid Career, Capped, College Humor, Coub, DailyMotion, DemocracyNow Fullshow, DemocracyNow Story, Flickr Slideshows, Flickr Video, Fox News, Game Trailers, Game Videos, Giphy, GodTube, Google Video, Instagram, Meta Cafe, Mail.Ru, MySpace, MyVideo, Picasa Slideshows, Rutube, Slideshare, Streamhoster, Teachertube, TED, Twitch, Ustream, Vbox7, Vimeo, Vine, whatchado, Wistia, YouKu, YouTube, YouTube (Playlist).

    Special instructions:

    Some codecs need special input. You'll find those instructions here.
    • Picasa Slideshows:
      You must use the URL of the RSS feed for the Picasa album:
      1. View the album in Picasa (you should see thumbnails, not a slideshow).
      2. Find the "RSS" link and click it.
      3. Copy the resulting URL from the browser address bar. Example:
        [video: http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/USER_NAME/albumid/5568104935784209834?alt=rss&kind=photo&hl=en_US]
    • Slideshare:
      You need to construct your own URL, using the "Wordpress Embed" code from Slideshare, extract the "id", and form the URL like this: slideshare.net/1759622
    • TED:
      Click in Embed and copy the "Link to this talk" link and paste here.
  • No se permiten etiquetas HTML.
  • Las direcciones de las páginas web y las de correo se convierten en enlaces automáticamente.
  • Las líneas y los párrafos se reconocen automáticamente. Las etiquetas <br /> para el salto de línea y <p> y </p> para abrir y cerrar el párrafo se insertan automáticamente. Si los párrafos no se reconocen, simplemente añada unas cuantas líneas vacías.

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